Self Regulation: What to Know and What to Do - Occupational Therapy

Self Regulation: What to Know and What to Do


Self regulation is a developmental process/skill critical to all areas of life function. We will review the descriptions of various aspects of self regulation and consider the processes involved in its development. The importance of play, rhythmicity, predictability and adaptability will be discussed. Treatment principles and interventions will be described and demonstrated using lecture, videos and case examples.

Course Outline

  1. What is self regulation? Modulation? Arousal?
  2. The process of self regulation
  3. The development of self regulation
  4. A typical development through play
  5. Treatment Principles
  6. Treatment areas of Focus
  7. Posture, movement & heavy work
  8. Oral motor, breath and voice

Course Objectives

  1. Describe the role of play in typical and atypical development of self regulation
  2. Discuss treatment principles regarding rhythmicity, predictability and adaptability.
  3. Identify at least 3 areas of treatment focus and cite foundation treatment strategies for each.

Who Can Benefit?

OT, PT, SLP, Teachers, psychologists, parents, etc.

Providers Terms

  1. Please note that registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis and course fees must be paid prior to closing date to reserve a place.
  2. Payment of fees is not a guarantee for the event to be staged as planned. Should the event be cancelled for any reason, a full refund will be made to all registered participants and no other claims are allowed. The organizer disclaims responsibility should any change in the event occur for any reason.
  3. Participants to the course are not allowed to split registration for different persons.
  4. For 1 full day seminar, only one set of meal entitlement per day shall be given to the registered participants. For half day seminar, only coffee and tea will be provided.
  5. Food served will be “no pork and no lard”.
  6. No refund of fees for participant cancellations including medical leave but substitutions are allowed with written request to organizer at least two working days before the course commences.
  7. Registration will be taken as confirmed upon receipt of payment or issuance of invoice. Any cancellation will not be allowed. However, substitutions are allowed with written request to organizer at least two working days before the course commences. Please note that registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Payment must be received by due date, before attendance of training.
  8. All information provided in this form is accurate up to the closing date of normal registration.


Normal Rate

USD $260


Early Bird Rate

USD $223



Normal RateClosedEarly Bird RateClosed

Key Details

Contact Hours:

8.0 hrs

Start Time:

Tue, 13 June 2023 , 8:30 AM

Finish Time:

Wed, 14 June 2023 , 12:30 PM


2 Morning Sessions


Live Online Training






Your Computer,
Webinar, Online,
Singapore, SST

Bridging Talents



Kathy Kaluza Morris

Kathy Kaluza Morris is a national/international speaker and consultant who has supported teachers, parents, and districts in all 50 U. S. states, Canada, Mexico, and Singapore. An experienced educator for 43 years as a speech therapist, teacher of students with emotional/behaviour disorders, teacher of students with an autism spectrum disorders, as well as cerebral palsy and other developmental disorders.

Kathy was honoured as Outstanding Educator for Children with Disabilities for the President’s Commission on Special Education (2002).Recently, she and her husband, Guy, were honoured by the ARC of Texas with the Lifetime Achievement Award for supporting persons with disabilities. Kathy has her Advanced Autism Certification, Level 2, from IBCCES (International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards).

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