Positive Behaviour Support in the Classroom - Nursing

Positive Behaviour Support in the Classroom


The most frequent complaint of most parents of children on the autism spectrum is that other people don’t understand why their children do what they do. The glares in the supermarket, the mumbled comments about poor parenting or the child needing a good smack show that other people often don’t understand why challenging behaviour happens and what to do about it.

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is based in the science of learning and there is strong evidence for PBS as an effective approach for changing behaviour. PBS is both positive and proactive. Positive means increasing and strengthening helpful behaviours through ‘reinforcement’ (not using punishment or negative consequences to reduce the challenge). Proactive means anticipating where things may go wrong and preventing that from happening rather than just reacting when things go wrong.

Course Outline

  1. What is autism?
  2. Thinking and learning in autism
  3. Principles of environmental strategies
  4. Strategies for intervention
  5. Introduction to challenging behaviours
  6. Before the behaviour
  7. After the behaviour
  8. The function of behaviour
  9. Replacement behaviours
  10. Reinforcing new behaviours
  11. Behaviour response planning

Course Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the areas of difference in autism
  2. Describe the aspects of thinking and learning that are different in autism
  3. Define positive behaviour support
  4. Identify the key principles of environmental strategies
  5. Recognize the six functions of behaviour
  6. Describe three tools used in PBS

Who Can Benefit?

SPED Teachers, Early childhood educators, Allied Health Professionals, Parents /Caregivers

Providers Terms

  1. Please note that registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis and course fees must be paid prior to closing date to reserve a place.
  2. Payment of fees is not a guarantee for the event to be staged as planned. Should the event be cancelled for any reason, a full refund will be made to all registered participants and no other claims are allowed. The organizer disclaims responsibility should any change in the event occur for any reason.
  3. Participants to the course are not allowed to split registration for different persons.
  4. For 1 full day seminar, only one set of meal entitlement per day shall be given to the registered participants. For half day seminar, only coffee and tea will be provided.
  5. Food served will be “no pork and no lard”.
  6. No refund of fees for participant cancellations including medical leave but substitutions are allowed with written request to organizer at least two working days before the course commences.
  7. Registration will be taken as confirmed upon receipt of payment or issuance of invoice. Any cancellation will not be allowed. However, substitutions are allowed with written request to organizer at least two working days before the course commences. Please note that registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Payment must be received by due date, before attendance of training.
  8. All information provided in this form is accurate up to the closing date of normal registration.


Early Bird

USD $223


Normal Rate

USD $260



Early BirdClosedNormal RateClosed

Key Details

Contact Hours:

7.0 hrs

Start Time:

Wed, 30 November 2022 , 9:00 AM

Finish Time:

Wed, 30 November 2022 , 5:00 PM


1 Days


Live Online Training






Your Computer,
Webinar, Online,
Singapore, SST

Bridging Talents



Ms. Amanda Reed

Amanda is a speech pathologist with a Masters in Applied Linguistics. She has worked in the field of autism, across a range of settings and services, for over 30 years. Amanda has most recently worked as a Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner in regional New South Wales and Victoria, Australia, a role which involved working with families to build capacity in managing the family member with autism. Amanda has facilitated workshops for professionals and families on the features of autism, the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), teaching critical communication skills, applied behaviour analysis, rewards and reinforcement, and positive behaviour support. She has worked collaboratively with families, schools and allied health professionals to implement supports to improve the quality of life of individuals on the autism spectrum and has consulted to autism programs internationally. Amanda is passionate about ensuring that individuals with autism have functional communication skills and that positive behaviour support is used to create an autism-friendly environment and to improve quality of life.

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