Digital Smile Design (DSD), Photography, Digital Dentistry, Orthodontics & Clear Aligners - Dentistry

Digital Smile Design (DSD), Photography, Digital Dentistry, Orthodontics & Clear Aligners


Course Aims

  • To describe and discuss the various aspects of integrating digital technology with the patient journey in dental practice
  • To outline the steps involved in capturing the patient information required for digital analysis
  • To describe the benefits of capturing the information, allowing for comprehensive diagnosis and treatment planning
  • To discuss how smile design is the driving factor behind comprehensive treatment planning
  • To outline the steps and process for Digital Smile Design and introduce the concepts delivered by the DSD protocol by Christian Coachman
  • To demonstrate how the DSD protocol can be used to enhance patient communication and case acceptance
  • To explain how the DSD protocol can be used to link with digital planning for treatment leading to more predictable outcomes
  • To explain the link between DSD and Invisalign, implant dentistry, periodontal and restorative planning

Course Objectives

  • To provide a step-by-step process for capturing a ‘digital’ patient which can be adapted according to the technology available
  • To teach a step-by-step process for analyzing smiles, from analogue to digital, using the scientific to enhance the artistic skills that every dentist can develop
  • To define the specific techniques for digital photography and video – and the difference between technical and emotional capture and their applications
  • To understand the workflow from gathering the information, through the diagnosis and treatment plan and communicating with patients in a motivational strategy to enhance patient understanding and consent to treatment
  • To understand how the systems of Invisalign work with the DSD concept


  • Smile design from analogue to laptops and DSD apps
  • Digital photography and video
  • Invisalign scanning

Agenda Day 1

09:00 – 10:00

  • Introduction to Digital Dentistry
  • What is Digital Smile Design?
  • The Smile as an Expression

10:00 – 10:30

  • What is Digital Smile Design?

10:45 – 13:00

  • Treatment Planning from a Facial Perspective – Global Diagnosis and the Treatment Planning Funnel for Smile Analysis
  • Stages of capture, guided observation, diagnosis, smile design and treatment plan options
  • Treatment Planning linked to Patient Education and Motivation – how to work with storyboards in keynote or PowerPoint
  • Capture – photography and video protocol
  • Intra-oral scanning for analysis and patient education

14:00 – 15:00

  • Global Diagnosis facial measurements – calculating lip mobility and skeletal diagnoses

15:00 – 18:00

  • Photography and video protocols for Digital Smile Design
  • Intra-oral scanning

Agenda Day 2

09:00 – 10:00

  • Smile Design Parameters (Lecture)

10:00 – 11:00

  • Analogue Smile Design (Hands-on Training)

11:15 – 12:15

  • How to build a digital storyboard, using App’s for digital smile design (Lecture)

12:15 – 13:15

  • Digital Smile Design on Keynote or PowerPoint (Hands-on Training)

14:00 – 16:00

  • Case Examples using DSD with Ortho for General Practitioners (Lecture)

16:00 – 18:00

  • Placing attachments and IPR for Clear Aligner treatments (Hands-on Training)

Teaching Methods

  • Formal and didactic lectures, case studies and discussion.
  • The hands-on training session will consist of the practice of skills.

Providers Terms

Refund/Cancelation Policy


A refund of the registration fee will be made as follows: Notification in writing must be received 60 days prior to the event: 50% – excluding VAT, bank charges and other charges relates to the payment. Notification in writing must be received 30 days prior to the event: 25% – excluding VAT, bank charges and other charges relates to the payment. Notification received within less than 30 days prior to the event will result in no refund.


A refund of the registration fee will be made as follows: 50% refund will be provided (excluding VAT, bank charges and other charges relates to the payment) if CAPP EVENTS & TRAINING receives a notification in writing 3 months prior to the start of the first module. No refund will be given after this date. All notifications must be received in writing.


Course Fee

USD $1,258Book
Booking on Nexlec is Available


Course Fee$1,258
Booking on Nexlec is Available

Key Details

Contact Hours:

14.0 hrs

Start Time:

Fri, 24 January 2025 , 9:00 AM

Finish Time:

Sat, 25 January 2025 , 6:00 PM


Multiple Days






CAPP Events & Training


Onyx Tower 2 | Office P204 & P205,
Dubai, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates

CAPP Academy



Dr. Elaine Halley

Dr Elaine Halley opened Cherrybank Dental Spa Perth in 1995 as a squat practice. It has been 100% private for over 20 years focusing on advanced restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Cherrybank Dental Spa Edinburgh was opened in 2010.

Cherrybank Dental Spa has won numerous awards including recently Outstanding Customer Service in the Chamber of Commerce Awards, Best Marketing in the Private Dental Awards, Best Employer and Outstanding Individual for Elaine in the Scottish Dental Awards. Both practices have been awarded the Good Practice Standard from the British Dental Association and Investors in People Awards.

Elaine is a founder and past president of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. She teaches and lectures throughout the UK, Europe and the States on topics ranging from Digital Dentistry to advanced restorative techniques and practice management.

She has previously run the UK division of a practice management group based in the US and was involved in practice analysis and dental business coaching for many years.

She is currently an Opinion Leader for Ivoclar Vivadent and Optident and Align Technology and lectures throughout the UK, Europe and the States. She is also a judge for the Scottish Dental Awards and serves on the Editorial Board for Private Dentistry and Aesthetic Dentistry. She has authored numerous articles on clinical dentistry and the business of dentistry. She is a Digital Smile Design Instructor and accredited as a DSD Master by Christian Coachman.

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