Certificate in Child Development - Social Work

Certificate in Child Development


From a Motor, Sensory and Social-Emotional Perspective

We all have an automatic drive to face the job of growing up in utero and after we are born. Our nervous system has an incredible task in the first 5 years of our lives in order to put everything together before we enter the academic and social world with deeper earnest. As therapy and educational professionals as well as parents we see children struggle to attain different milestones, creating gaps in their functioning resulting in behaviors that causes trouble for themselves and others. Though there are multiple workshops on different topics, workshops covering specific developmental stages – and what to do about them – is not easy to find. Basic coursework for teachers and therapists does not include developmental theory to the practical extent needed, yet we are faced with it every day. Parents need to be guided at home with everyday function that they do not understand in their child’s behavior. This short 3-day workshop will put this complexity together in a practical way building from the current research available to us today. Development has not changed over the ages, but our expectations in a fast-moving world of technology and prowess has certainly changed. To “catch up” is a challenge for all, especially if the developmental perspective is out of the equation. This is an exciting workshop, bringing the focus back to the child, viewing the world from the child’s perspective and supporting all in attaining good outcomes to relevant goals. We hope to see you there!

Course Outline

Day 1:

  • 08.30 to 9.00am Sensori-Motor Development
  • 09.00 to 10.30am From Utero through First Year
  • 11.00 to 12.30pm Building Praxis and Constructive Play Skills
  • 01.30 to 02.30pm Creating Executive Functioning Skills
  • 02.45 to 04.00pm Executive Functioning continued

Day 2:

  • 08.30 to 10.30am Social Skill Ages and Stages
  • 11.00 to 12.30pm Building Empathy
  • 01.30 to 02.30pm Non-verbal Communication Skills
  • 02.45 to 04.00pm Building Social-Emotional Problem-solving Skills

Day 3:

  • 08.30 to 10.30am Sleeping through the night
  • 11.00 to 12.30pm Toilet training
  • 01.30 to 02.30pm Building good eating habits
  • 02.45 to 04.00pm Picky, Picky Eating!

Course Objectives

Participants will be able to :

  • Day 1:
    • List 8 stages of sensori-motor development in children
    • View video with regards to different strategies to support intervention
    • Consider 8 executive functions important for academic and social functioning
  • Day 2:
    • Create a developmental continuum to support assessment of social-emotional skills
    • Consider the work of mirror neurons and imitation skills to support developing empathy, theory of mind
    • Apply strategies for self-regulation through support of co-regulation
  • Day 3:
    • Discover why sleep is important, yet so elusive for some children
    • List multiple strategies, ideas and intervention tips for sleeping, toileting, and picky eating
    • Contrast an emotional growth reward model vs. behavioral model

Who Can Benefit?

Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Educators, Researchers, Neuropsychologists, Educational Psychologists, Parents.

Providers Terms

  1. Please note that registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis and course fees must be paid prior to closing date to reserve a place.
  2. Payment of fees is not a guarantee for the event to be staged as planned. Should the event be cancelled for any reason, a full refund will be made to all registered participants and no other claims are allowed. The organizer disclaims responsibility should any change in the event occur for any reason.
  3. Participants to the course are not allowed to split registration for different persons.
  4. For 1 full day seminar, only one set of meal entitlement per day shall be given to the registered participants. For half day seminar, only coffee and tea will be provided.
  5. Food served will be “no pork and no lard”.
  6. No refund of fees for participant cancellations including medical leave but substitutions are allowed with written request to organizer at least two working days before the course commences.
  7. Registration will be taken as confirmed upon receipt of payment or issuance of invoice. Any cancellation will not be allowed. However, substitutions are allowed with written request to organizer at least two working days before the course commences. Please note that registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Payment must be received by due date, before attendance of training.
  8. All information provided in this form is accurate up

Course Fees

**PCG 2024/2025 Approved


Course Fee

USD $1,004


Early Bird

USD $892



Course FeeClosedEarly BirdClosed

Key Details

Contact Hours:

19.5 hrs

Start Time:

Mon, 27 May 2024 , 8:30 AM

Finish Time:

Wed, 29 May 2024 , 4:00 PM


Multiple Days


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