Achieving Autism Success with Visual Strategies: Overcome Daily Challenges with Simple Tools - Occupational Therapy

Achieving Autism Success with Visual Strategies: Overcome Daily Challenges with Simple Tools


Using visual strategies is more than just having a schedule. There are numerous visual tools that help students with autism and many other students with special learning needs successfully manage daily situations that are difficult for them.

You are a communication partner and when you make your classroom environment more “communication friendly”, students will learn more quickly, demonstrate fewer behavior difficulties and exhibit greater overall success. The student's struggle with communication is far more complicated than just evaluating their ability to talk.

Their most misunderstood challenges include their ability to establish attention, understand communication of others, organize their thinking and process information at the speed necessary for many tasks. This affects their ability to manage issues like dealing with change, participating in transitions, dealing with sensory sensitivities or managing social opportunities and many more situations.

Current research reveals most of these students display strength in understanding visual information compared to their ability to respond to verbal language. Visual supports help them attend, process information better and many other skills to help avoid problem situations.

This program will explore a variety of visual communication essentials. We’ll go beyond the basics to discover how to create simple but unique visual tools to manage more complex needs.

Visual tools are simple to use. They are not “magic.” They won’t fix every problem. Yet their impact for students of all ages and skill levels can be profound.

Course Outline

Day 1 (Part 1)

  • Communication is more than just talking
  • Explore learning style, strengths and challenges of those with ASD and related learning needs
  • In one ear and out the other
  • Important concepts: Neurodiversity and skill levels

Day 1 (Part 2)

  • Classroom essentials and why they are essential
  • Tools to give information
  • Routines make a difference
  • Examples of visual strategies and how to use them

Day 2 (Part 3)

  • Causes of behavior problems related to communication
  • Sensory needs and how they relate to communication and visual strategies
  • Examples of visual strategies to manage behavior situations

Day 2 (Part 4)

  • Examples of visual supports for special events
  • How to develop visual tools to support communication, behavior and social skills
  • Technology for lifelong personal success
  • Expanding the number of communication partners in the student’s life who embrace and accommodate their communication needs

Course Objectives

Participants will learn to:

  • Clarify student communication style and how that affects following directions, managing interactions, behavior and successful participation
  • Recognize situations where visual strategies provide support so students can understand, learn new skills and get their needs met
  • Discover new visual supports that have significantly improved student behavior, manage difficult situations and improve student ability to independently participate successfully in school and life opportunities.

Who Can Benefit?

Linda Hodgon’s visual strategies programs share strategies that work well for many students with communication challenges related to ASD, ADHD and other special learning needs.

Speech Therapists, Sped and mainstream teachers, therapists, support staff, parents and anyone who programs for these students or interacts with them will benefit from knowledge of how to use visual strategies to improve communication interaction.

Providers Terms

  1. Please note that registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis and course fees must be paid prior to closing date to reserve a place.
  2. Payment of fees is not a guarantee for the event to be staged as planned. Should the event be cancelled for any reason, a full refund will be made to all registered participants and no other claims are allowed. The organizer disclaims responsibility should any change in the event occur for any reason.
  3. Participants to the course are not allowed to split registration for different persons.
  4. For 1 full day seminar, only one set of meal entitlement per day shall be given to the registered participants. For half day seminar, only coffee and tea will be provided.
  5. Food served will be “no pork and no lard”.
  6. No refund of fees for participant cancellations including medical leave but substitutions are allowed with written request to organizer at least two working days before the course commences.
  7. Registration will be taken as confirmed upon receipt of payment or issuance of invoice. Any cancellation will not be allowed. However, substitutions are allowed with written request to organizer at least two working days before the course commences. Please note that registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Payment must be received by due date, before attendance of training.
  8. All information provided in this form is accurate up to the closing date of normal registration.


Normal Rate

USD $258



Normal RateClosed
Contact Hours:

8.0 hrs

Start Time:

Tue, 14 March 2023 , 8:30 AM

Finish Time:

Wed, 15 March 2023 , 12:30 PM


2 Morning Sessions


Live Online Training






Your Computer,
Webinar, Online,
Singapore, SST

Bridging Talents



Linda Hodgdon


Linda Hodgdon, M.Ed., CCC-SLP is a Speech Pathologist and Autism Consultant who has been supporting students on the Autism Spectrum, their educators and families for more than 40 years.

She is known as a pioneer in developing the use of visual strategies for students with autism and those with related special learning needs.

Linda has traveled over a million miles around the world sharing her communication strategies with those who manage autism learning needs. Her popular newsletters, award-winning books and training programs have reached many hundreds of thousands of educators and parents around the world.

Linda’s book Visual Strategies for Improving Communication helps you know what visual strategies are and how to use them. Her book Solving Behavior Problems in Autism offers practical solutions for common autism challenges using visual supports.

Linda shares easy-to-use but very effective strategies to help students on the autism spectrum to participate in a positive way both at school and home. Her visual strategies work for all ages.

Linda has a passion for working with parents and educators to take the mystery out of autism and help them discover exactly what students need to gain success in their life opportunities.Here's what others say

Testimonies from thousands of educators and parents around the world report successes with visual strategies that transform lives.

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