
How To Develop Self-Esteem And Friendship Skills

The development of a healthy self-esteem is not straightforward and is affected by many factors but is crucial to a child’s happiness. Children need high self-esteem to feel good about themselves, their world, and the contributions they can make to it; and the connection between self-esteem and relationships is well documented. Our interpersonal experiences have a huge impact on our self-esteem in that if a child feels valued and accepted by others, they will have a higher self-esteem than the child who struggles with friendships. Children with low self-esteem live in a world that segregates or isolates them as they often lack the social skills to make and maintain friendships. As Rubin says, ‘Social skills are central to making a child a good friend and well-liked’ (2002). So, these two areas, self-esteem and friendship skills, are linked, but they are also inextricably linked to the area of social skills.

Course Outline

This training will introduce you to self-esteem and friendship skills and what can be done about children who have difficulties in these areas. It is a practical and interactive course using mixture of lecturing, videos and practical exercises to keep you engaged, interested and amused. The programme is mainly focused on working with children, but Alex also with adults can discuss the differences where relevant.

Key Details

  • Contact Hours: 7.0 hrs
  • Duration: 1 Days
  • Format: Workshop
  • Language: English

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